I have been working at One Moorgate Place for the last five years and in the role of business development manager for 2 years. It’s time to move to pastures new but I thought I’d note down a few of my personal highlights from working here.
One of the events that really sticks in my mind is when we held a wedding for ‘Married at First Sight’, in such a large organisation weddings are always an organisational feat but with camera crews and production teams it all becomes a lot more complicated. It was like nothing I’ve ever worked on before, it was extremely exciting and a great experience.
I’ve also had the chance to meet so many different people, whether it be at agency quizzes or at some of our client events, I feel like I’ve got to know a really good bunch of people who I still work with but also call my friends.
It sounds cheesy but my biggest highlight has been my team! We work so well together and it feels like we’re a little dysfunctional family; we help each other through times of stress, are there when we’re so frustrated we can’t see the wood from the trees. We’re especially there to share in each other’s successes. We look out for one another and it’s going to be strange not working with them.
My wish for One Moorgate Place or OMP as its affectionately named is to continue going from strength to strength. After a long period of refurbishment it’s ready to show itself off and be the most successful it can be. On a personal level I want to see my team grow with the venue, I want them to achieve their goals and ambitions.