Our final chef competiting in Great City Chefs is Edward Bolton, with over 10 years’ experience in cooking, he started out studying at Westminster College for 3 years. Before working at One Moorgate Place he has been a chef for Harrods, Goldman Sachs and Merril Lynch. So far, Edward has been the winner of the main course round of the competition with his Roast beef fillet and summer faro dish.
What meal would you cook to impress?
A roast dinner, done properly, of course and definitely a chocolate pudding to follow. You can’t go wrong with the classics.
What’s a go to mid-week meal?
Anything Italian, pasta is always a go to. Or, if I’ve had a particularly hard day I’m not ashamed to say I’m a fan of a take away.
What food can you not stand?
Eggs or offal. Now we understand offal, that does not sound something we’d want to consume but eggs?!
How would you describe your cooking style?
It’s simple but with lots of flavor
What do you want to get out of the competition?
I’m here to learn new skills and put to use some of the techniques I have learnt over the years that I don’t get to show off on a day to day basis.
Who would be your ideal dinner guests?
It would have to be Noel Gallagher, Steve McQueen, Bruce Lee and Bruce Springsteen. That’s a lot of personalities in one room!
As we near the end of the competition we would all like to congratulate the chefs on all of their hard work over the last few months, it’s their dedication and enthusiasm to get involved that makes a competition like this one such a success.